October 15, 2010

New functions: Favourite Rooms & Preview Clothes

Along with a whole bunch of new updates, Picos now have the ability to save a room as their "favourite!" The formerly "Event" tab has been changed to "Rooms".

To add someone's room to your favourites, simply visit their room and click on the small panda icon beside the word favourite.
Hehe ♪... Rayna Skye has a lovely room~ 
Their room will now appear on your favourites list when you click the room icon. From here you can see a picture and their room description.
You can set your room picture by either taking a picture yourself, or being prompted after you finish editing your room.
Be sure to use the "Room Photo Camera" though, or else it won't update. This camera is portrait, rather than landscape, so you can... get a better view of your room...? Why portrait? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Anyway, I like this new function. I find it easier to keep track of all my favourite picos and their rooms so I can ring them every day~ But...
...There is a limit. Just when I was getting all excited and fav'ing a whole bunch of awesome Pico's rooms, I was a little disappointed to find out that the max is 30... How can I possibly choose? There are so many great rooms out there.

Another thing is, the people who favourite your room remain a mystery! There isn't a list where you can see who favourited your room... they remain anonymous. I suppose that eliminates the drama if a Pico decides to delete another Pico's room from their favourites. Oh well. Thanks for favouriting my room if you have~

Last week another new function was released, and I didn't get around to reporting it yet... but you can now preview items while shopping! 

Although very helpful, it's a bit inconvenient that the items you choose to try on just overlap whatever your Pico is currently wearing. There should be a remove all button while shopping to prevent the embarrassment of running around in your undies to try on clothes...

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