November 10, 2010

Dress like Alice Nine

Even more Alice Nine items have made it to the Pico world. I don't even listen to their music, but last time I just loved the hat so I scrambled to complete surveys and get AG just to get it. This time, having enough gold stashed away, I decided I'd give it a go, since I'm a total sucker for wigs. ...And, as usual, with my luck with premium gacha, I ended up with some pretty crappy stuff. And since I was playing when I had just woken up, I don't really know what I was thinking and decided to play five times. Bye bye, Christmas funds. I got stuck with doubles... two pairs of Nao's pants, and two pairs of Saga's pants... and Nao's shirt. Now I really, really wish there were a trading system so I could get rid of these items in exchange for something mediocre. Silly bi bo, never trust gacha! NEVER AGAIN. That's what I said the last three times... Profession gacha... Snow White gacha... Halloween gacha... When will I learn?