October 21, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Hi Pico pals! Little Darby here with my first post! :D
Since the arrival of Halloween decorations, I've been doing some
early trick or treating and found these spooky rooms!~

Treats > Tricks at mameoo's pumpkin patch.

shinzuishou's creepy castle wherin peach bi bo is the queen of the castle and Little Darby is the dirty rascal...

Big halloween house + costume party!

Seems cheery enough over at ☆☆sunhon☆☆'s, but it's like a balloon graveyard over there! Cacti and balloons don't mix! Little Darby managed to set one of the green guys free...

Impromptu dance party with skeleton Pinkerton.

peach bi bo is clearly distressed in ume(86)'s room, but Little Darby is too scared to leave the safety of the bushes to offer any consolation. Well that jack-o-lantern is pretty creepy...

What are some of the best rooms you've come across?
Happy Trick or Treating!

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