October 3, 2010

Meet the Pharaoh

GET: 150 gummies

Once you're inside the Pharaoh's Chamber, wait until the sarcophagus in the middle opens up to reveal the dead Pharaoh!
Oh, look, a shop. How nice of him to sell you stuff from the depths of his ancient deathbed... Click on him.
But wait! You have to solve this slide puzzle before you can buy anything, or get the star. You have 180 seconds, GO! If you're like me, slide puzzles aren't too difficult and you can just click around a couple times and it's solved. If not, here's a guide.
Hopefully you can finish under the 180 seconds, and if you do, the puzzle will light up! If you get stuck, you can always press the RESET button which will re scramble the pieces for you to start again, and you will start again from 180 seconds.

Once you're finished, you can purchase the Pharaoh's secret treasures! Ooo, how exciting. Also, Star GET!

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