October 4, 2010

Meet the legend of Chaulin in China

GET: 150 gummies
You can get this star at the Chaulin Temple in China.
This star can be tricky to get. There needs to be 5~6 people doing the renkan-ken actions (fighting moves) in order for the Chaulin to appear. Doesn't sound very hard, especially since the actions are sold for 500 gummies each. I checked back at different times for a couple of days, and found that this place is often deserted. So it's hard to get this star, as people who have it don't exactly have a reason to come back to this place, unless they need to buy something. Which is unlikely. 

You can purchase said renkan-ken moves from this handsome bald guy. They're 500 gummies each, and it doesn't matter which one of the nineteen you use to get the star.

If you're patient enough, eventually enough people will do the actions and out will come the Chaulin. The fighty-guys will step aside. Star GET!
BOOM! The Chaulin will use his old-man powers and make the ground shake, causing you to fall on your butt.
Oh, and after all that hard work, he'll offer you some cool items in exchange for gummies.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, thanks! My sister (she told me about pico. I joined today) thought at least 1 person had to be doing all the moves for you to get the star.
